Catalogue - "Chinese Sandwich"

The whole new catalogue of Jiri Straka´s works "Chinese Sandwich" is out!
This book is not only a catalogue that is mapping the work of Jiri Straka during the last five years, in particular the cycles of paintings concerning huge building sites, rough industrial atmosphere of Chinese cities´ suburbs and social aspects connected to these topics. It is a book selling a unique testimony to the environment of the so called "Chinese economical miracle. It contains a number of author´s ink paintings as well as proximate documentary photographs serving as basis of his large paintings. These pictures are disclosing the huge changes taking place in China nowadays. Important part of the book is a conversation between the curator and art critic Martin Dostal and the author Jiri Straka together with short author´s notes.
The catalogue can already be found in our bookstores.
Visit in the printer Quatro print - final check of the proofs before the release of the new catalogue "Chinese Sandwich".